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Sujet 2010

Publié le par BTS TPIL

Corrigé sujet 2010


I-    Traduire en français :

Ce polymère, semblable à de la colle, utilisé dans cette expérience, l’alcool polyvinyl, était aussi important que la superposition des couches. La structure de la « nanocolle » et les nanocouches d’argile permettent aux couches de former des liaisons hydrogène coopératives dont résulte ce que Kotov appelle « l’effet Velcro ». De telles liaisons, lorsqu’elles sont brisées peuvent aisément se reformer autre part.  

II-    Faire le compte rendu du texte en français.

Des scientifiques ont réussi un plastique vraiment écologique : composé d’argile et de colle non toxique ; ce plastique composite, biodégradable et de conception peu coûteuse en énergie, pourrait être exploité à travers de nombreuses applications dans l’industrie chimique ou la médecine.
Son inventeur s’est inspiré de la structure moléculaire dite « de brique et de ciment », présente dans la nacre de certains coquillages : un robot empile des nanocouches en utilisant un polymer en guise de colle afin de créer des liaisons hydrogène coopératives le rendant plus résistant aux chocs et aux tensions car si une liaison est brisée, elle se reforme ailleurs. (100 mots)


Answer the questions in your OWN words :

1.    Explain the advantages of this new material and its possible uses according to the text and imagine one or two other applications.  (80 words)

Because it requires little oil to be made, this new plastic is nature friendly and not toxic. As it is not expensive, it  could be a viable alternative to petrol made plastic.
It would furthermore allow chemical factories to decrease their energy bills, make micro and nanodevices less expensive and more resistant.
As it absorbs shocks, it is likely to be used in making body armours. It could also be used in transportation to produce vehicles’ bodywork or build light and resistant prosthetics. (84 words)

2.    Do you think humans have eventually understood that the Earth must be protected, or not? (120 words)

- I don’t think humans have understood that the Earth must be protected.
Indeed, in most industrialised countries individuals’ ecological footprint is so large that it would need several planets to sustain their way of life. Most people refuse to renounce to their way of life and they consume regardless of the consequences of their actions on the planet.
Global warming for instance doesn’t make people use their car less, recycle more or invest in low energy consuming heating devices.
Besides, industries and manufactures, in their will to make profits don’t really care about the impact of their activities on the environment. They pollute rivers, ground waters, soils with toxic chemicals.
However, the environment policies are very different from one country to the other. (123 words)

- I think humans have understood that the Earth must be protected because there are  more and more initiatives supporting green policies. Car constructors are building greener vehicles, researchers are trying to find alternatives to pollutant fuels.
The text shows that on every level of research, scientists are working to create materials as respectful of the environment as possible, they are trying to copy natural and biological patterns and abilities.
Even everyday life equipment is greener: washing machine, fridges or dish washers are conceived so that they will consume as little energy and water as possible.
The European Union has created norms for a wide range of products from toilet paper to light bulbs, from toys to detergent.  (117 words)

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